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The library of Advanced Institute of Confucian Studies


The library of Advanced Institute of Confucian Studies holds more than 40,000 books, including modern Chinese and foreign books, academic journals and dissertations, as well as the global database of Chinese Classics. Thread bound ancient books, lithographic books and other precious materials printed since modern times constitute the important collection characteristics of the library; Academic journals mainly cover some current and back issues closely related to Chinese literature, history, philosophy, and sociology, especially those with great historical literature value since the Republic of China; dissertations consist of the representative works of excellent master's and doctor's dissertations of the previous graduate students; the global database of Chinese Classics is managed and maintained by the project of Global Integration of Chinese Ancient Books which is currently under construction.

The library is located on the 18th and 21st floors of Zhixin building in the central campus of Shandong University. There are 2 reference rooms and 1 reading room on the 18th floor, with a building area of about 240 square meters, mainly storing permanent books for academic research; there are 2 reference rooms on the 21st floor, with a building area of about 180 square meters, mainly storing other rare materials. Furthermore, some of the books and electronic databases used in the project of Global Integration of Chinese Ancient Books are stored in the original mathematics building of the central campus.

The collection of this library mainly comes from the original Institute of Ancient Books Organization and Research, the original Institute of Literature, History and Philosophy, and the original Research Center of Confucianism. It is gradually purchased and collected in the long-term teaching and scientific research. Among them, the Institute of Ancient Books Organization and Research is the main source of these materials, especially the thread bound ancient books. Since the 1980s, the former constituent units of the institute have undertaken the task of compiling the Chinese Dictionary, A Branch of Great Dictionary of Chinese Culture and presided over the compilation of large-scale ancient books such as the Censor and Annotate of Complete Works of Du Fu, the Complete Works of the Han Dynasties, the Collection of Document in Shandong Province, and Zi Hai, etc., And a large number of precious books and materials are successively purchased and collected, after which the collection resources have greatly increased. The faculty and staff of our institute have always attached great importance to the construction of books and materials. After several adjustments and relocations, the institute has been able to properly handle them, thus ensuring the integrity of the system for the preservation of Chinese classical academic books and materials.

Since the implementation of the project of Global Integration of Chinese Ancient Books, the construction of global database of Chinese Classics has been put on the agenda. With the cataloging, copying and research of overseas Chinese ancient books, the construction of the database of the project of Global Integration of Chinese Ancient Books is also in progress. The database of the project includes three sub-databases: the global catalog database of Chinese books, the full-text image database of rare Chinese ancient books abroad, and the global database of Chinese books and sinology research works.

The library is mainly for teachers and students of all majors in this institute. At the same time, it also provides reading services for teachers in other institutes on the premise of meeting the needs of teaching and research in our institute. At present, all the materials in the library of the institute have been entered into the OPAC system of the school library, and the borrowing information can be inquired through this system.

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